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CNA Practice Test: Resident’s Rights 2

Questions: 30
Mistakes allowed: 6
Pass mark: 80%
Everyone who enters a nursing home or long-term care facility is given a copy of the Resident’s Bill of Rights. This is an important document that assures residents that they will be treated with dignity and respect. All staff makes sure the residents maintain their privacy and that they can feel safe and secure. The CNA has the unique opportunity to be the staff member who can uphold the Resident’s Bill of Rights every day. As you study for your CNA examination, pay attention to the topic of Resident Rights. Every state will want to be sure that you understand the Resident’s Bill of Rights and its legal importance. While most of the questions on your CNA exam will be about basic and personal skills, you can expect about five questions on the Resident’s Bill of Rights. (Your state may call this topic Resident Rights or Residents’ Bill of Rights.) The topics covered on this practice test on Resident Rights include the following:
  • Religious and cultural rights
  • The right to refuse care or treatment
  • Understanding the use of restraints
  • Scenarios involving Resident Rights
  • Sexuality in the elderly
  • Sharing a room with a spouse or partner

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