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Free multiple-choice questions to study for the CNA written exam

Questions: 25
Mistakes allowed: 5
Pass mark: 80%

Studying for the written CNA exam became easier with this free multiple-choice practice exam, which contains 25 questions. Studying for the written CNA exam can either be done the hard way or the easy way by supplementing your studying with interactive multiple-choice practice tests.

Whether you’re just getting started with your studying or doing a final review before the big day, we’re here to help. Students find they retain information considerably better using our practice tests. CNAs are an essential part of patient care and often spend significantly longer with patients than other people in the healthcare system. To provide good care to patients, it’s important for you to be multifaceted. You must know not only the medical elements of patient care but also the humane elements.

You need a solid understanding of all the different aspects of patient care to be the most effective CNA possible. With the practical approach to studying, aided by the practical approach of our practice tests, you’re on your way to a fruitful career in the medical field. This specific test will test you in several areas rather than specialize in a specific competency.

As a CNA, you will provide bed baths to some patients, and this test has a question specifically addressing how to go about this task. Another question focuses on preparing a patient for surgery and what that person is allowed to eat. As you can tell, they’re created to be extremely practical.

While the test covers a range of different areas, here’s a high-level overview of some of the things you will encounter:

  • Personal Care and Hygiene
  • Infection Control and Safety Precautions
  • Mobility and Transfers
  • Nutrition and Hydration
  • Dementia and Mental Health Care
  • Vital Signs and Medical Measurements
  • Emergency Response and Incident Reporting
  • Communication and Patient Interaction
  • Scope of Practice and CNA Responsibilities

Using this practice test to help you better understand the material will not only prepare you for the actual exam. It will also prepare you for everyday life as a CNA. The practice test also serves another important function: to boost your self-confidence before you take the exam.

You will feel more relaxed and better prepared if you know not only the material you’ll be tested on but also the format of the test. Continued use of our practice tests will increase your level of self-confidence and ensure you’re maximizing your chances of passing on the big day!

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