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CNA Practice Test: Communication and Interpersonal Skills 2

Questions: 25
Mistakes allowed: 5
Pass mark: 80%

Strong communication and interpersonal skills are vital for success as a Certified Nursing Assistant. This practice test offers 25 multiple-choice questions designed to enhance your proficiency and prepare you for the CNA examination in 2025.

As the frontline caregiver, you serve as a crucial link between patients, their families, and the healthcare team. Your ability to communicate effectively allows you to build trust, understand patient needs, and collaborate efficiently with colleagues. These skills not only improve patient care but also contribute to a positive and productive work environment.

This test covers essential topics such as:

  • Making new residents feel comfortable and welcomed
  • Interpreting nonverbal communication cues
  • Supporting patients who are experiencing grief
  • Formulating and asking open-ended questions
  • Understanding and utilizing body language effectively
  • Key components of successful communication

Each question presents a scenario that reflects real-world situations you may encounter in your role. Read each one carefully and select the best answer from the four options provided. If you need assistance, the Hint button is available to offer guidance. Detailed explanations accompany each answer to deepen your understanding, especially if you choose an incorrect option.

Our practice tests function like flashcards: every time you retake the test, the questions are shuffled into a new order. This method reinforces learning and helps you retain information more effectively. You can pause the test at any point and resume whenever you’re ready, allowing you to study at your own pace.

Take your time to absorb the material fully. Developing strong communication and interpersonal skills is essential for providing excellent patient care and will greatly benefit your future role as a compassionate and effective CNA.

When you’re ready, begin the test to assess and enhance your skills. Best of luck on your journey toward certification!

4.12 out of 5 • 145 votes.

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