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CNA Practice Test: Legal & Ethical Behaviours 2

Questions: 25
Mistakes allowed: 5
Pass mark: 80%
Every health care professional must be aware of the legal and ethical requirements of their jobs. A primary requirement of all providers is to protect their clients’ safety and privacy. This means knowing the laws, regulations, and principles of health care. As a CNA, you will be responsible for providing a safe environment and making sure that your clients can trust you with their personal information. When you respect and follow the laws, you become a valuable employee. For your CNA examination, you will need to know a few federal laws, especially the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), about a patient’s right to have all health history and information kept confidential. Look for two to four questions on the exam about the legal and ethical responsibilities of the CNA. If your state has an exam category on Role of the Nurse Aide, these questions will be in that section. Although the topic of Legal and Ethical Behavior may sound difficult, you will find that it’s both reasonable and sensible. It’s how you have been treated as a patient for over twenty years. Try to take the practice tests several times before your actual CNA examination. Each time, the questions will be randomly reorganized to help you learn better.
This Legal and Ethical Behavior practice test covers the following topics:
  • Scenarios with neglect and abuse
  • Confidentiality and privacy
  • Advanced directives
  • Patient’s right to refuse
  • Situations involving patient rights
Each practice question is multiple choice with four answer options. Read the question and answer options carefully. Try to rule out one or two of the options. If you’re stuck and need a clue, click the Hint button. A sentence will tell you a bit about the best option. If you pick the right answer, the test moves to the next question. If you make a mistake, you’ll be shown an explanation of the correct answer. Good luck!
4.17 out of 5 • 93 votes.

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