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CNA Exam Simulator

Questions: 60
Mistakes allowed: 12
Pass mark: 80%
What if you could prepare for your 2025 written CNA examination by taking a practice test that’s just like the actual exam? What if some of the questions were even identical to those on the test? We want you to get off to a successful start in your new career as a CNA. We know that if you spend time preparing by using a format that’s similar to the one you’ll have when you take your real examination, you will be more confident and relaxed. You’ll know what kinds of questions you’ll be asked, and you will know how to answer them. You may want to take this Exam Simulator after the other practice tests. Each time, the questions will be shuffled into a new order…as well as the four options. No two exams are the same! The 60 questions in this Certified Nursing Assistant Exam Simulator have been divided among the domains, or categories, in the same way the actual 2025 CNA examination is constructed:
  • Basic Nursing Skills and Safety/Emergency Procedures: 39%
  • Personal Care Skills:14%
  • Mental Health and Social Services Needs: 11%
  • Basic Restorative Services: 8%
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills: 8%
  • Legal and Ethical Behaviours: 8%
  • Resident’s Rights: 7%
  • Care of Cognitively Impaired Residents: 2%
When you take the Exam Simulator, each question will have four options. Read the question carefully before selecting the answer. If you make a mistake, the correct answer and an explanation will immediately pop up. This will help you learn, as well as remember for the next time you take the practice test.
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