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FREE 2025 CNA Practice Test: Basic Nursing Skills – CNA Plus

Questions: 40
Mistakes allowed: 8
Pass mark: 80%
This is the second of three practice tests that cover the knowledge and skills you will need as a CNA. There are 40 questions that will help you prepare for the 2025 CNA examination. Each question has been researched and the answer verified. The CNA is a key member of the health care team. Your skills and observations can keep your patients safe and comfortable. Your ability to provide hands-on care means that you may be the first to notice changes in your patients. The questions in this practice test are based on the categories that are included in the exam. They are similar (and often identical) to the actual questions that you will be asked. Some of the topics covered in this practice test (they’ll also be part of your CNA job description) include:
  • Care for residents with a specific diagnosis, such as Congestive Heart Failure
  • Interpreting medical abbreviations and acronyms
  • CNA responsibilities: vital signs and intake & output
  • Medical abbreviations and terms
  • Common patient scenarios
Each of these questions has four options. Read the question carefully and select the best option. If you are not sure, click on the Hint button underneath the options to read a sentence that can help you choose the correct answer. If you make a mistake, don’t worry! The correct response will be displayed, along with an explanation to help you understand. If you miss more than 8 questions, you can restart the test and try again. Good luck!
4.25 out of 5 • 1378 votes.

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