Meet Our Medical Expert
Winona Suzanne Ball Nursing Adviser, RN | MHS, Governors State University, IL Full member of the American Nurses Association Suzanne Ball is our in-house expert in charge of content creation. She makes sure our t ...

From Nurse Ingrid’s Notebook: 4 Vital Reasons Why Many Great CNAs Prefer to Work Through Homecare Agencies
In my twenty-five years running a homecare agency, I have supervised and made friends with literally hundreds of CNAs. Distilling that entire experience into a few paragraphs will be challenging. I will thus start by ...

6 Vital Guidelines for Improved Communication Skills: A New CNA’s Guide
When you have good communication skills, you can:Express your thoughts and ideas so they are understood Enjoy more meaningful interpersonal relationships in your life Receive promotions and advance your career ...

What Nurse Ingrid Tells Her New CNAs: Basic Lessons Regarding Our Seniors
From my perch at the homecare agency From early on at the homecare agency I started back in the nineties, I cherished the enthusiasm that my younger nursing assistant recruits brought along upon entering the elder c ...

Hand Care 101: 3 Helpful Tips for Dealing with Dry Skin on Hands
For healthcare professionals, the combination of proper hand hygiene and outside factors, such as weather, can cause skin to become dry and irritated. Learning how to care for your hands can help protect them from dama ...

Rapport-Building Techniques for New CNAs
Introverts and Extroverts Many of us are introverted and get edgy when in the company of new people. We simply don’t find it easy to open up and make the small talk that commonly gets a relationship going. We tend to ...

8 Tips for Conflict Resolution: How to Get the Best Results
Have you encountered any of these situations at work?For the third time this week, a co-worker has dodged answering call lights A group has started to exclude another team member and refuse to help her The ...

Surviving the Night Shift: 9 Tips from Experienced CNAs
Night shifts are a necessary part of healthcare. In any hospital or inpatient facility, activity slows at night, but nursing care continues around the clock. Frequently new employees will begin and remain on the night sh ...

What is a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant)?
definition A CNA (certified nursing assistant) is a healthcare worker that can provide personal care to patients in a variety of settings. CNAs can be employed in nursing homes, hospitals, hospice centers, private h ...

How to Pass Your Multiple-Choice CNA Test: 6 Important Tips to Get You Through
How are your test-taking skills? Do you start to worry when it’s time to show how much you’ve learned? Does your mind go blank? Do you find yourself making mistakes even when you know the correct answers?Read the q ...